WLT 150 gives you a tool, using traditional oak phenolics, that can transform your business and your processes. It helps you maintain the integrity and quality of the spirits being produced and deliver that nuance,finish and finesse sometimes lacking in older barrels or indeed with new/first fill barrel oak
WLT150 has the ability to transform your business, your processes and ultimately the quality spirits that you produce.
The Power of Nature
For centuries, the alcohol industry has used French and American oak barrels to store and transport liquor products. Over time, the innate ability of these barrels to preserve the alcoholic beverages they contain was realised – along with their role in providing the desirable and complex wood taste profiles and the rich aromas we so value.
WLT 150 contains both aromatic (oak character) and maturation compounds derived from oenological oak alone. Pre-extracted oak phenolics and metabolites are presented in an easy-to-use liquid format. Released into your distillates, WLT 150 can contribute effects of color, maturing, mouthfeel, and character that is found in typical barrel ageing processes.
The Power of Nature
The alcohol industry has used 150 year old French and American oak barrels for centuries as an effective way of storing and transporting liquor products. It was found over time that the alcoholic beverage was preserved in these oak barrels and imparted desired and complex wood taste profiles and rich aromas.
Stoak extracts both Aromatic (Oak character) and Maturation congeners contained in the wood and converts them into a highly concentrated and effective liquid form. Released into your distillates, WLT150 is able to add the colour, maturing and character that is found in typical barrel ageing processes.
Laboratory Data
Oak ageing research has identified key chemical markers that are imparted by the barrelling process.
Through the same analytical processes incorporation High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), Gas Chromatography and Mass spectrometry WLT150 is shown to delivery a massive amount of the same underlying compounds that are shown in research.
This shows that whilst we do not claim that there is a substitute for ageing spirits in barrel that WLT150 is able to assist the distiller in refining, balancing and complimenting the barrel process with same compounds and results achieved from a barrel.
Dosing Rates
WLT 150 is highly versatile and can be used in anything from virgin spirit right through to a fully matured spirit simply requiring additional balance and slight oak character. Thus, factors like the initial profile, desired profile, and the process stage at which WLT 150 is applied could all affect which dosage is deemed most suitable. Furthermore, the optimal WLT 150 dosage rate will ultimately vary based on the distiller’s preference.
Recommended dosages, as utilised by many distillers, are typically between three and 15 mL of our product per liter of spirit at distillate strength. Once you have an indication of what dosage of WLT 150 should meet your needs, our dosage calculator is a convenient tool to estimate which volume of WLT 150 you might require.
For optimal results, if this will be your first time using WLT 150, we recommend that distillers carry out a simple trial by combining small batches of their own spirit (post barrel) with different concentrations of WLT 150 to identify their preferred dosage rates. We can provide a step-by-step proposed trial protocol for this simple test, should you require it.
As a homogenous liquid , WLT 150 readily combines with spirit at any stage of processing, and therefore dosing thereof is simple and practically effortless. Where barrelling is employed as a part of the distiller’s traditional manufacturing process, dosing should be after this stage and before bottling.
To ensure proper integration of WLT 150 into spirits, we do recommend that the treated spirit is gently agitated to ensure thorough integration . Although this step is not strictly essential, it can improve process efficiency and accuracy by introducing small volumes of oxygen which can accelerate the rate of integration of WLT 150 phenolics with the spirit. By ensuring that WLT 150 is well blended an entire production run can be more easily and accurately compared.
WLT 150 integrates with the core spirit on a molecular level, and this process is relatively quick – especially when the treated spirit has been blended through pumping over or gentle agitation. As with any barrels the interaction between the oak-derived molecules in WLT 150 and spirits results in smoothing and adds character to spirit. With WLT 150, these effects are observed more quickly than with the addition of barrel chips or staves. This contributes the development of the spirit and assists in accurate final blending. However, on full batches, we always recommend that distillers allow for at least two weeks before assessing the result of dosing.
WLT 150 is provided in 5 L, 25 L and 1000 L containers. For sampling purposes, 1 L and 30 mL bottles are also available.
Dosing Rates
Dosage of WLT150 is very much up to the profile and process of the distiller, WLT is highly versatile and can be used in virgin spirit right through to a fully matured spirit that is needing additional balance and oak character. This means that the quantity and variant used is modified depending on the desired profile of the distiller.
Dosing ranges between 3mL and 15mL per litre and the distiller can use the dosage calculator to estimate what will be required. Ultimately we recommend that the distiller carry out their own trial dosing on small batches to dial in their desired dosage rates.
WLT150 is in liquid form which makes the process of dosing WLT150 very simple just add at it into the process at barrel or in the final blend. In some cases we see value in the addition of microx. to assist in overall integration.
Integration is relatively quick, WLT150 interacts with the core spirit on a molecular level resulting, smoothing and adding character far quicker than the traditional solvent process in a barrel, chips or staves, this allows for quicker turnaround in development and final blending, however we always recommend that distillers allow for at least 2 weeks before assessing the result of dosing.
WLT150 is provided in 5,25 and 1000L containers as well as 1L and 5L bottles for sampling purposes.
There are no real consequences to overdosing as WLT150 is GRAS certified (Generally Recognised as safe) however we recommend exact dosing to ensure that the desired level of integration occurs.
Dosing Protocols
WLT 150 dosing is practically effortless. Simply add your preferred dosage of WLT 150 in the final blending process.
A wide range of spirits products have been treated with WLT 150, and the product has been employed successfully across spirits manufactured through a variety of fermentation and distillation process methodologies. It is safe to use with your standard regimes and does not impact turbidity.
Please click this link to reach our team to gain more guidance, discuss any concerns you may have and find out more information.
Oak extract
WLT 150 is a natural extract of the underlying color- and flavor-giving molecules in aged oak wood. These same elements interact with spirits when they are exposed to barrels, staves, or chips .
Unlike synthetic additives, colorants, or flavoring adjuncts, our extract is highly stable in alcohols and will not break down in the same way. Therefore, a WLT 150-treated spirit will retain the same barrel aged character distillers have known for ages.
This means that your spirit is maintained in the same original way that it was made, but with a smoother, more complex and balanced profile resonating with the familiar oak character typical of aged spirits.
Oak extract
WLT150 is an harmless and natural color and flavor extract that is derived from the same underlying congeners in aged oak wood. It is the same elements that spirits are imparted as when spirits are exposed to barrels, staves and chips.
Our extract is highly stable in alcohols unlike synthetic additives, colourants or flavoring additions it will not break down and retain the same barrel aged character distillers know.
This means that your spirit is maintained in the same original way that it was made just with a smoother, more complex and balanced profile with the familiar oak character typical of aged spirits.
Help from the Spirits Team
Our highly experienced team is always on standby to answer your technical questions, provide you with background information on WLT 150 and its applications, and guide you through the process of using our product.
Should you require more detailed initial trial and testing assistance, the team will also gladly guide you through this process, share dosing and testing protocols, and hopefully participate in the panel tasting of your WLT 150 dosed spirits. We value your feedback.
Help from the Spirits Team
WLT150 has a highly experienced team on standby to answer all your technical questions, provide you background with how it is currently being used in the market and give you comfort as to the process and results to be followed.
Should you require initial trial and testing activity, the team will also guide you through this process, share dosing and testing protocols and hopefully participate in the panel tasting of your WLT150 dosed spirits. Please do not hesitate to reach out to them below.

Andrew heads up the sales team at WLT150, he will be your primary contact together with the John Fearless team and will guide you on your journey of stability.
You can contact Andrew directly on
Tel: +1 707 699 5117

Duncan handles all finance, legal and administration functions, if you have any logistics or operational issues, hit him up for some answers.
You can contact Duncan directly on
Tel: +27 83 702 0777

Bruce leads our technical team, he is instrumental not only in making our unique and technically complex extract but also in dealing with the more technical aspects of its operation in beer and brewing.
You can contact Bruce Directly on
+27 83 408 2000