Over a 5 year period a very smart scientist figured out how to make an extract of oak wood, his main aim was to help in the wine industry for the reduction of SO2, everyone knows how much we love those blessed SO2 headaches the day after a few solid bottles of Napa’s finest and with a global drive to limit SO2 whilst having a natural and organic source of a preservative drove him to find a solution.
Our brain trust figured out a highly sequenced process where we would take the best oak wood money could buy and extracted the core and potent congeners that stops this same wood from rotting and drying out over milennia, yes that long ! The oldest oak trees living today are well over 1000 years, many of them are based in the UK, have a look here at one of the recent discoveries.
The process was perfected during this time and we began supplying wineries under pressure to remove or reduce SO2
Over a 5 year period a very smart scientist figured out how to make an extract of oak wood, his main aim was to help in the wine industry for the reduction of SO2, everyone knows how much we love those blessed SO2 headaches the day after a few solid bottles of Napa’s finest and with a global drive to limit SO2 whilst having a natural and organic source of a preservative drove him to find a solution.
Our brain trust figured out a highly sequenced process where we would take the best oak wood money could buy and extracted the core and potent congeners that stops this same wood from rotting and drying out over milennia, yes that long ! The oldest oak trees living today are well over 1000 years, many of them are based in the UK, have a look here at one of the recent discoveries.
The process was perfected during this time and we began supplying wineries under pressure to remove or reduce SO2