A mix of tradition and innovation

A new outlook in spirit making: The dynamic world of spirits production is a field of open experimentation and evolving trends, where tradition meets innovation. This has presented distillers with the need to craft spirits that embrace both. With the extensive time needed for traditional ageing practices, it has been a bit more [...]

A mix of tradition and innovation2024-08-23T07:37:10+00:00

The pros and cons of oak alternatives

Choosing the right oak alternative Choosing between oak alternatives can be difficult, especially with the wide variety of options now available in the world of spirits. Distillers are presented with various oak alternatives like chips, staves, liquid products, and powders. It can be a daunting task to select the perfect one. When choosing [...]

The pros and cons of oak alternatives2024-09-02T07:42:20+00:00


Global barrel supply shortages are driving the rocketing price of barrels with no end in sight. The idea of paying over $ 3,000 for a 160 gallon barrel in the near future is a scary prospect that will impact profit and sales competition across the industry. Delays in delivery by more than 6 months [...]



没有什么比你的时间更重要的商品了,它的成本似乎每年都在上涨,但对于酿酒师来说,时间往往是“艺术的核心”。无论 [...]

是时候改变了2024-04-03T07:58:01 + 00:00



混合中的新工具2024-04-03T08:04:30 + 00:00


新冠肺炎 - 我们可以帮忙吗?在新冠危机期间,本地零售店关闭以及零售店可能关闭或进入受限的环境中,所有这些都将对大多数酿酒厂的财务健康产生重大影响。可能会出现积压[...]

新冠疫情——帮助酿酒厂2024-04-03T08:26:58 + 00:00

WLT150在中国 – 2019中国糖酒会

中国庞大且快速增长的中产阶级正在推动本地和国际烈酒的需求。然而,与百度和本土风格的东方烈酒相比,大型国际品牌的数量就显得相形见绌了。与西方调色板一样,烈酒品质的最终体现不仅在于 [...]

WLT150在中国 – 2019中国糖酒会2024-04-03T08:28:32 + 00:00

未来 – WLT150

我们致力于帮助全球酿酒商提供尽可能最好的陈酿烈酒,帮助他们提供卓越的品质以及注重经济、效率和价值最大化的解决方案。我们坚信,木桶陈酿的浪漫是不可替代的,但现代酿酒师必须 [...]

未来 – WLT1502024-04-03T08:29:20 + 00:00


我们对 WLT150 的热情是生产最高品质的产品,这些产品对蒸馏过程产生深远的影响,并提高我们所使用的烈酒的质量。为此,我们在生产过程中以周到且可持续的方式始终如一地、勤奋地使用最优质的天然原材料。 [...]

我们对卓越烈酒的热情2024-04-03T08:30:13 + 00:00

团队 – WLT150

WLT150 团队充满激情,以结果为动力,我们的分销商 John Fearless、推动业务的高管以及我们的生产和科学人员之间拥有独特的合作精神,我们所有人都拥有交付世界所需的独特能力将一流的技术融入到独特而挑剔的行业中。一 [...]

团队 – WLT1502024-04-03T08:32:04 + 00:00