Cheers tomorrow… Or next year!

Every brewer knows the delicate dance of timing. From the initial brew to the final pour, each step must be perfectly orchestrated. But even with the finest craft and care, there’s one foe that brewers can’t entirely control: time. As a brewer, you’ve already mastered the art of brewing. But what happens once your [...]

Cheers tomorrow… Or next year!2024-09-06T11:17:35+00:00

Brew Shield: Safeguarding the Soul of Your Brew

The Craftsmanship of Quality Beer Brewers understand that the essence of beer, from the hoppy bitterness to the rich aroma and color, tends to fade soon after packaging. Oxidation is a pesky challenge for all brewers in this regard. Crafting exceptional beer requires a substantial investment in high-quality ingredients and meticulous recipe refinement. [...]

Brew Shield: Safeguarding the Soul of Your Brew2024-08-23T07:17:12+00:00

Protecting beer during distribution

The risk of distribution Dating back centuries, beer was only produced on a domestic scale. It wasn’t until the 18th century that the art of brewing became an international craft. Nowadays long distribution networks exist to allow brewers to share their creations globally. These long networks contain a potential risk. The conditions surrounding [...]

Protecting beer during distribution2024-08-23T07:17:04+00:00

‘Tis the most wonderful time for fresh beer

A beer for every occasion As the year winds down, Christmas is in the air. Everyone is in the mood to celebrate and treat themselves. With the festive mood gradually building, we have reached the perfect time to launch special-edition beers that bring in the cash while capturing the festive vibes of Christmas. Winter [...]

‘Tis the most wonderful time for fresh beer2024-08-23T07:13:02+00:00

Brewers around the world

It is no simple task to present brewers with a new supplier, not to mention presenting them with an even newer approach. Since its creation, Brew Shield has received great feedback. At the top of every brewer’s mind is the goal to preserve beer quality, something Brew Shield undertook in 2012 to achieve. The [...]

Brewers around the world2024-08-23T07:05:45+00:00

Mikkeller Brewing Case Study (Pt 2)

輸出された樽のビールを 1 年以上経って試飲 サンディエゴからコペンハーゲンに出荷されてから 1 年以上経った後、ミッケラーの「フィンガー ガンズ」の古い樽が、コペンハーゲンの Warpigs タップルームで偶然発見されました。偶然にも、当時、アミール ベダルヴァンド (元ミッケラー SD) が同じ店で働いていました。アミール [...]

Mikkeller Brewing Case Study (Pt 2)2024-09-02T07:07:54+00:00

Mikkeller Brewing Case Study (Pt 1)

The Brew Shield trial experience Mikkeller Brewing gained international repute over the years for its variety, quality, and inventiveness. But in 2022 (1), the company revealed plans to return to contract brewing in the USA. While this is an arrangement Mikkeller has historically been quite adept at, it unfortunately meant that [...]

Mikkeller Brewing Case Study (Pt 1)2024-09-02T07:06:49+00:00


このホリデー シーズン、キラキラ輝くのは飾りだけではありません。年末は、醸造業者にとって、利益をもたらすだけでなくクリスマスの精神を反映する限定リリースを作成する絶好の機会です。ホリデーは祝賀と贅沢の代名詞であり、北極は、温かく魅力的な風味の限定版クリスマス ビール スタイルを発表するのに最適です。[...]



すっきりしたラガー、ホップの効いたIPA、それとも濃厚なスタウト?ビールは愛される飲み物として歴史が長く、地域や個人の消費者の好みは大きく変化してきました。そのため、ビール業界では時間の経過とともに風味豊かなイノベーションが生まれています。しかし、業界が変化する状況に直面する中、醸造者は適応する必要があり、イノベーションは [...]



進行中のパンデミックと経済不安は、ビールのサプライチェーンの問題に重大な影響を及ぼしており、終わりは見えていません。クラフトビールの配達は、小売業者や顧客に届くまでに数か月も長くかかっています。実際、80% の醸造所でビールの配達遅延が発生しています。ビールが醸造所を出発するとすぐに、 [...]
